Willow Audition;;30something Babe Sucks and takes Anal in Audition!
Willow is a 30-something babe thats looking for more out of life and turned to us to help her get started. She sure has the willingness and taking direction part down which is evident by how deep I stuck my cock up her ass! She sure does need to improve her Hula Hooping skills though!
Here is the 2nd experience we had with lil Keyton when she came back to see her pictures and it was at the end of this day I talked to her about maybe helping out with a new girl I had in mind to bring in that was probably not going to be at all interested in my Mr Happy. Which of course makes Mr Happy sad but thats what initially led to Keyton giving me a helping hand when Winter showed up. Keyton sure looks cute with my cock in her mouth I'll tell ya that! Hopefully we can repeat this day more often!