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Faiths 2nd Film

SO MUCH CAKE! This 18yo girl has an ass that never QUITS guys! Kind of lends truth to all that talk about hormones in our beef ya know? So Ever have an OOPS! moment? We did recently with Faith (Performing-Live often on FaithsLive.com) when we realized this jewel of an audition slipped through the cracks somehow and never got put out there! Well consider that fixed with this video release. This is the real “Faith Returns” which was done between her first visit to our Magic Couch of Dreams and when Larry took a crack at her in our already-published “Faith Returns” video. And I sure enjoyed her even though Faith wanted nothing to do with licking my ass after I shoved her head down there for a little taste. She is definitely a favorite around here here and out in the webcam world as she continues to grow her career teasing you guys almost everyday from her home in her room on Chaturbate which you can easily find at FaithsLive.com. You can also keep up with her on Twitter here @faithshope69!

Date Added: January 26, 2017


142 Photos, 27 min of video


Rating: 4.5/5.0

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Brand-New Never-Before seen Southern girls of all kinds 18yos to GILFs that want to just talk about Big
Money Modeling but when they show up for their appointment our cameras are rolling and we see how far they will go!
Some are Hot, Some are Not, YOU Be the judge!