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Lexxie Lee Gets Machine Fucked!!

Please take a minute and give us some feedback on if you like this sort of video? Thumbs up or Thumbs down would be great and if you type something out as a comment that would be TRIPLE awesome!! So ok… Guys you have seen a couple of videos of this beautiful black and asian gal and maybe even seen her on webcam some on MyFreeCams! Well she is back after almost a year’s hiatus and just had to try our fucking machine. Larry and I still haven’t figured out how to get a dick inside of her but ya maybe later. Also she might be doing some attack films if we have one where Olyssia cannot make it that day. You can catch her sometimes on MyFreeCams.com in room Lexxxxie_Lee and follow her on Twitter @LexxxiLee1 .

Date Added: June 6, 2015


33 min of video


Rating: 3.8/5.0

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