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Meredith and Sayuri

So these girls set an appointment with Larry. WOW did he have his hands full here. Seemed to me that they didn’t believe too much of what he was saying. Somehow though they let him talk them into a pretty sexy audition. But Larry wasn’t too Lucky this time, he had nothing to show for it except a pair of blues… Now supposedly these two have been “good friends” for goin’ on 4 years with nothing but cuddlin’ as friends? Not too sure about that and then there’s Sayuri’s story (you know I don’t think that’s her real name) hell she messes it up a couple of times herself, and that accent. Well who cares, show me the T&A and she can call herself Marvin from Mars if it pleases her. Then there’s Meredith… says she likes Anal – that’s a road that I’m for sure going to have to explore (if I can get her back in here again). I just hope she ain’t too mad when she figures out this is the same place. It was interesting to watch them finally confess their attraction for one another, we might have a new love story starting here – or at least a love of fucking each other story. I had to remind Larry we are supposed to be filming auditions not fucking soap operas. No one’s interested in wiping up tears and blowing their noses, just blowing a load and wiping off the slim jim. The joke is kind of on them I guess because they had already been in and shot calendar auditions with me a while back, hehe I’m the asshole that didn’t call them back. Guess they used their GPS first time and never looked at the house. Of course I’m a hell of a LOT better looking than Larry, so no wonder they never looked around the set.

Date Added: December 5, 2014


407 Photos, 79 min of video


Rating: 3.1/5.0

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Brand-New Never-Before seen Southern girls of all kinds 18yos to GILFs that want to just talk about Big
Money Modeling but when they show up for their appointment our cameras are rolling and we see how far they will go!
Some are Hot, Some are Not, YOU Be the judge!