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Another Audition by my partner Larry. This little cinnamon pop tart sure put him through the wringer! Took him forever to get her clothes off and even then she would not let loose of her panties but I think he had a pretty good time anyway although I reckon his balls were as blue as Paul Bunyan’s ox by the time they wrapped that up. He did get her to do a foot scene though which relieved his pressure real good so watch for that to come out in a month or so. Good thing too or he would have had to work out his forearm he said and its already is too gooda shape for what it should be. Guys please comment on this and let me know if you liked this audition? (And don’t tell her Daddy that you saw it ok?)

Date Added: June 21, 2014


320 Photos, 70 min of video


Rating: 3.7/5.0

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