WARNING - This site is for adults only!
This web site contains sexually explicit material:My buddy Larry sure does like the darker girls so I let him take one for the team here and interview this spunky thing and honestly I don’t mind a little ebony now and then either if they treat the old harpoon with a sufficient degree of respect and awe but enough bout me and him…. Cynthia here definitely showed up with dollar signs in her eyes and an attitude of “Tell me what to do to get that job and I’m ’bout it y’all”! Larry took one for the team here and gladly volunteered to interview this sexy lil lady and afterwards he told me he had the time of his life. He was actually pretty sad that he popped when he did at the end because he wanted to ride that merry-go-round all day long lol WELL he just got too into it I reckon but over all I think you guys will enjoy this film please put some comments down and let me know if this girl will become a star or if she should just end her career right here on our pretty little couch of magic.
Brand-New Never-Before seen Southern girls of all kinds 18yos to GILFs that want to just talk about Big
Money Modeling but when they show up for their appointment our cameras are rolling and we see how far they will go!
Some are Hot, Some are Not, YOU Be the judge!