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Evan came in and filmed a calendar model audition (unfortunately cannot show those here) and knocked my socks off hard. I loved her red hair and her sweet southern voice and heck the curtains even matched the drapes (inside joke watch the vid to understand) Anyway here is this super hotty totally would be jealous of any feller that wifes up a girl like this and even though she has an awesome job that pays great she still wanted to audition for something more fun in her life. And if I believe what she told me in that calendar audition I’m the third guy in her life she’s been with. What do you think guys true or false please comment below.e

Date Added: June 5, 2014


136 Photos, 28 min of video


Rating: 4.8/5.0

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Brand-New Never-Before seen Southern girls of all kinds 18yos to GILFs that want to just talk about Big
Money Modeling but when they show up for their appointment our cameras are rolling and we see how far they will go!
Some are Hot, Some are Not, YOU Be the judge!