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Briti Black RV Audition!

Here is a rare audition by Larry that he managed to do while out on one of his RV trips. Briti was one of the more sure girls that we have ever auditioned with her mind already made up she just needed someone that could come to her to give her an Audition to get her feet wet in her new career! Her time schedule was funny so this might hold the record as the earliest-in-the-day audition I think they started at 5:30am or something right before sunrise to make it work. And now even though she was pretty sure what she wanted to do she was still plenty nervous about getting it done. Larry has a softer touch than I do and has never done a girl in the ass or likes his ass licked which is crazy to me and I would have worked her out quite a bit more if I was there but at least he still managed to blast her face pretty good at the end even so. He was pretty fond of Miss Black here as you can see at the end!

Date Added: January 28, 2023


276 Photos, 94 min of video


Rating: 4.1/5.0

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